Friday, August 24, 2012

MY QUEST.......

My Beloved, once the past, present and future had met  my soul, and asked me to seek you,
My Beloved , once a gust of wind, had brought me the scent of you,
My Beloved, once I had felt you, when the rain wiped away the stream of sorrow from my face,
My Beloved, once I had heard a poet sing verses of praise of your name.

My Beloved, once a man had approached me and sought answers of you from me,
My beloved, once a dream had brought me to your door step,
My Beloved, once you had embraced me, disguised as the tides of the sea,
My Beloved, at last I have  you, when I see myself in the mirror, you are there, you are within me, not without, you are me, and here it ends with this beginning..................